Parents’ meeting with clergy to talk with other parents and begin to build excitement and sense of community as everyone undertakes this spiritual journey.
Receive Bar/Bat Mitzvah handbook, ask questions regarding “nuts and bolts” of the program.
Begin thinking about Kiddush lunch/caterers and any other use of facilities on the weekend of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
6th Grade:
Religious School students begin an 8 week course of Torah trope as part of Sunday morning Religious School.
One year before Bar/Bat Mitzvah, plan tutoring.
Begin tutoring one year before Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
Meet with Rabbi to work on D’var Torah (teaching) and discuss mitzvah project.
Review tips and suggestions for planning the non-service aspects of the celebration.
Check-in with Rabbi after the Haftarah has been mastered. Additional meetings will be discussed at that time.
6th or 7th Grade:
3 months before Bar/Bat Mitzvah, submit head shot of child for publication on website and/or Facebook, as parents desire.