Becoming a Jew
Here at CSOA, we have a process for helping you consider pursuing life as a Jew By Choice. It starts with an interview: What is your motivation for thinking about becoming a Jew? What attracts you to Judaism? Is your family supportive? What other concerns are there?
We also want to make sure you know what it means to live as a Jew:
- Adopt a Hebrew name to use in Aliyot and other mitzvot.
- Live a moral and ethical life, as an example to others.
- Attend services regularly
- Become a member of this or another congregation
- Be active in the Jewish community
- Observe Shabbat and other holidays
- Support and visit Israel
- Tikkun Olam – social action and giving tzedakah
- Engage in regular Jewish study
- Raise children as Jews
- Use kippah, tallit, tefillin, mezuzah, shofar, etrog, lulav, chanukiyah