They’re HERE! The La Crosse Welcome Circle has brought its first group of Ukrainian newcomers to start a new life in La Crosse. The welcome circle is affiliated with HIAS welcome circles all over the country. Members of our congregation and others in the La Crosse community, the group has worked hard to surmount the paperwork, financing, housing and other logistics to bring these folks to the Coulee Region. Money is needed for basic living expenses, rent and transportation until they begin to look for jobs. If you want to make a donation to help support the La Crosse Welcome Circle, click HERE

Here are pictures from their first day in their new hometown:

Picking up food for a new life in LAX

Rabbi Brian & our new friends

Michelle Hockersmith works hard to help get the house ready


Olena Belka shows the kids around their beautiful new town.

Rabbi Brian greets the newest residents of La Crosse, on their arrival at O’Hare